
How to play Basketball Legends 2020 ?

You should try our brand new Basketball Legends 2020 game now!

You can also play our single and two-man game with your favorite friend.  I think you're definitely going to win!

And even if you don't have someone with you, you can still participate in basketball legends 2020. You can spend hours without getting bored like that. That's where you're going to get the win you didn't get on the field in korona virus days! 

Are you ready to participate in tournaments?

Don't forget to share with us how many tournaments you've won! 

Let's get started!


Double forward or backward is attack,

Player 1: WASD = move / jump,

X : Supershot,

Z : Action

Player 2: Arrows = move / jump,

K : Supershot,

L : Action

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